Monday, April 7, 2008

Yakama Missions Team

WHO: Hope Community Church's "Yakama Missions Team"
WHAT: Sharing Christ with Native Americans
WHEN: April 5th-11th
WHERE: Issaquah, WA

This missions team consists of 33 people from Hope Community Church. They are currently serving on an Indian Reservation with Sacred Road ministries The sweet little girl pictured above is one of the many children they're reaching out to right now. Will you please pray for this ministry team as they share the Hope of our Lord Jesus in word and deed with the Native Americans in Yakama!

Ways you can pray (from team member, LaNea Ewert):
  • For safety and dry roads during travel (chance of snow)
  • Good attitudes to do whatever is asked of us – giving up our rights
  • That God may be glorified in all we do
  • That we may be a Blessing to others
  • For Good health
  • That the Native Americans will see Jesus' love and respond to Him

So that you can pray for them by name - the names of these missionaries are:

Karl, Trent, Chandler, Garth, Teresa, Lauren, Elena, Douglas, Vickie, LaNea, Telise, Janelle, Marie, Michael, Ryan, Kailah, Nate, Mary, Justin, Wes, Lorenda, Diane, Jennifer, Brady, Jeff, Blake, Marilyn, Alex, and Mike.

May our Lord be with you - blessings to you all!

"And Hope does not dissappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us." Romans 5:5

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bob and Cheryl Fugate

Where: Santiago Chile

Bob and Cheryl have been missionaries in Chile for almost 20 years. They are pastoring the CHURCH OF THE VINEYARD, in Santiago Chile. They also minister to an Alliance Girls Home with 77 girls age 3-18 yrs. old as well as to to families through the outreach of Marriage Encounter and to women through Womens Encounters.

Church of the Vineyard is on the brink of being able to worship in their new church building!!! However, they have been experiening much spiritual warfare in the midst of this exciting time. In particular, Cheryl has been battling many serious health problems that warrant much continued prayer.

Ways you can be joining Bob and Cheryl in their 50 days of prayer (currently 21 remain):

  • Pray for Cheryl that she would receive complete healing and be back to full strength.
  • Pray for the remaining $11,000 US that we need to be able to start using the church building. This will not finish the building, but will be sufficient to start holding services.
  • Please join us in prayer for our builder Alejandro, for salvation, restoration of his marriage and healing.
  • Please pray for the first service to be held on April 27th.
  • Please pray for Susie and Robby (their children pictured above) as they are starting their last school year in Chile.
For more details on this ministry, I would encourage you to visit their regularly updated website:

Thank you always for your faithful prayers. Your prayers are powerful, my friends. Our God is Powerful!

May we all rejoice in the Hope of the Glory of God, together! (Romans 5:2)