"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27
Covenant Mercies, lead by Doug Hayes, is serving the poor, the orphan, the widow, and others in need around them. They are giving themselves in service for this reason....
" In His grace, God has been exceedingly merciful to us. Our Savior did not sit idly by while the world agonized in the ravages of sin, but in compassion He came and suffered with us. As His visible expression in the earth today, it is our joy to minister the compassion of our Lord Jesus to those around us who are in need. We invite your prayers for Covenant Mercies as we seek to walk in the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do (Eph. 2:10), to the praise of His glorious grace."
It is a privilege to pray for Covenant Mercies - especially as they approach an important fund raising event this Friday.
Prayer requests for Covenant Mercies (from Doug):
- We are beginning two new partnerships with indigenous churches in Africa,to care for orphaned children living in their communities. One is in Western Uganda (our primary work in Uganda is in the east), and the other in Ethiopia . Lord willing, we will have children to sponsor in both locations by the end of the year.
- Pray for new opportunities to promote the sponsorship program. Lord willing, we will have four locations up and running by 2008, so we will need a lot of new sponsors!
- Covenant Mercies will also be hiring for a new international position.
Pray for wisdom in this hiring decision.- Pray for a successful benefit concert on Oct. 26. We have brought artists with nice fan bases onboard for the show, and we’ve gotten some promotional materials out on the streets and press releases out to the media.
- Pray that the local media (radio, newspapers, TV) will take an interest in
the show and help us get the word out.- Pray that the Lord would use the appeal of these artists to bring new people through the doors to be envisioned for Covenant Mercies, sponsorship program, etc.
- Pray that the Lord would use the concert to bring some big donors through the doors, and inspire them to give more.
- Our PEPFAR paper is resubmitted. Pray that we would be invited to submit the full application again (there are no guarantees, even though we made the cut the first time).
- Pray for wisdom and funding related to the school project in Nagongera, which we intend to break ground on in January. We have a $25,000 grant proposal submitted for this project. Pray for favor.
- Pray for our staff of 12 in east Uganda , 2 in Zambia , and our friends in
W. Uganda and Ethiopia who are helping us get started on a voluntary basis.
Thank you so much for praying.
"I thank my God every time I remember you...."
A Dieu soit la Gloire!
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