Wednesday, October 24, 2007

John Ofumbi and Karina

An urgent prayer request and update from Covenant Mercies....

John Ofumbi (Sr. Pastor of Nagongera Gospel Centre - CM's primary church partner in Uganda)and Karina (Peace Corps volunteer who has begun working with CMs program) were in a serious car accident earlier this week. Their conditions are stable, but they have both sustained very serious injuries. John has a head wound coupled with fractures in his legs, arms, and chest. Karina has sustained spinal injuries and is on a flight to South Africa to receive care.

Please pray for miraculous, complete healing. Pray for their families. Pray for the others involved in the accident as their hearts are in great distress. Be reminded...

"Our God is completely sovereign, completely wise, and completely loving. We don’t know why this has happened, but we can trust in those truths as we pray. Thanks so much for your love for John and Karina and your prayers for them right now!"
-Doug Hayes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any news on John Ofumbi & Karina?